One of our favorite advent calendars is this Disney Small World Calendar. December 1st started us off with a child from Norway. So in honor of the Scandinavian countries we decorated our music room with items from Sweden.

Most of the Scandinavian countries celebrate similarly though each has their own traditions. Christmas begins with St. Lucia’s Dady on December 13th and lasts for 13 days.
The eldest girl of the family dress up at St. Lucia with a wreath of candles on her head and a white robe. She brings a breakfast tray to the parents of sweet buns and coffee or mulled wine called glow.

Candles and lights are an important symbol as they reflect the Winter Solstice. Winter Solstice is the shortest day of the year is also the darkest day of the year. It also means that days will gradually get longer leading to spring.
Yule goats are another popular decoration and link back to the Vikings. Thor’s magical goat is said to protect the home during Yuletide. In Norway he is called the julebukk. The Yule goat and other ornaments are made of straw, an important symbol.

Christmas Eve usually includes a church service followed by a smorgasbord or buffet dinner. Christmas gifts are exchanged after dinner.
Read more about Christmas in Sweden and Norway here on our Small World Advent Calendar.

I am so happy with how this little display turned out! Its so festive and beautiful!

Oh how fun! I loved learning about St. Lucia’s Day, thanks for posting!